Rocked with Gina Gershon

Unscripted Series, 2004


A wildly talented actress brimming with sexuality and a powerful voice, Gina Gershon ("Bound", "Showgirls") could easily play a famous rock star. That opportunity came along in the acclaimed film "Prey for Rock and Roll." Gershon realized that the best way to promote her movie would be to actually get up on stage in front of an audience armed only with a microphone, a guitar, and a backing band. “Rocked with Gina Gershon” is a cross between "Making The Band" and "Project Greenlight." This IFC series offers a riveting glimpse into a rock ‘n’ roll dream world, as Gershon and indie rockers Girls Against Boys spin out on an erratic, multi-city tour across the U.S.



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